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Jem D'jelal


DON’T say ‘But’ when I say Scrum.


  “We do Scrum, BUT”.

  If I could get pound coin for every time I heard the above line I’d be retired on a private yacht somewhere in the Caribbean sipping a mojito!

  The Scrum ‘BUT’ is becoming more and more common in today’s world of Agile – technological, organisational & human challenges can make it more and more tempting to bend the Scrum rules & unfortunately reduce the effectiveness of Scrum. Having worked with over 20 + Scrum teams let me show you my proven approaches to help you ‘BUT’ less! With these approaches, we can all aspire to one day ‘Scrum’ WITHOUT the ‘BUT’.


Paul Klipp


Interview on the following topics:


  • Kanban 

  • Selling Agile Services 

  • Agile Contracts and Negotiation 

  • Team collaboration and communication

  • Working with virtual teams







Simona Bonghez


Culture Shock! - Cultural Intelligence in Projects


Project managers must adapt their leadership style and management practice to ensure progress, commitment, and support while being culturally sensitive. This presentation addresses best practices and lessons learnt from the field, indicating what worked and what did not work on projects which involved cultural diversity and analyzing examples where cultural differences were overpowering.



Adrian Lupei


Agile Performance Management at Team Level


  Agile adoption has become mainstream. There are a lot of Agile and Lean methods a team can use to deliver great results. We all want to manage or be a part of a high performing team. People are really so different and so are teams. Nevertheless there are some important common capabilities any team must have and develop.

  Performance must be managed continuously. In Agile world there are concepts like continuous improvement, continuous integration, continuous deployment. Performance management should also be continuous. How do we continuously manage team’s performance? What are high performing team’s capabilities? Join this presentation to get more…



Bogdan Secara


Play by Passsion with Your Values 



  Everybody wants to have success or to be perceived as a successful person.
  Does this word mean the same for each of us? What makes the difference between the meanings?
The answer is part of us and it is defined by our personal values. If we succeed to acknowledge ourselves, our life fundamentals, we will understand what the real drivers for our daily work are.
  Join me to find out how important is to match yourself with your work environment, delivering best results with passion.



Dan Suciu


Best Practices in Agile



  It sometimes happens that certain things appear to be very clear and obvious at a given time, but when you begin to study them closely you are surprised to find out the contrary.

  This also happened when, trying to study the efficiency and benefits of adhering to the good practices in Agile, adopted by certain organizations and project teams, I have reached some conclusions that are far from being considered optimistic.



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